Thursday 29 April 2010

Under the map - 61 days to go

We have been busy bee’s recently! Working hard to save for our trip and enjoying time with our wonderful pals in the sunshine. I have been a bit lame on the blog front (Papa and Chris told me off)- I need to make it more of a regular thing ! Underneath our huge world map on our bedroom wall we have made our very own travel corner which is nearing completion, we have pretty much got everything we need including:

Two backpacks, travel towels, walking boots, film and camera, medication and pharmaceuticals, light clothes, sun creams, money wallets, hats, mosquito repellent, ultimate travel wash, first aid kit, adaptors, torches, guide books (thanks ma and pa!), anoraks, fleeces, penknife, wash bags etc etc!

Here are some pictures of me and Chris looking super rad (ahem) in our backpacks:

I’m pretty impressed with our organising skills - jabs are sorted, visas sorted, flights are sorted (which are):

29th June - London Heathrow – Delhi India

30th June – Delhi India – Kathmandu Nepal

19th July - Kathmandu Nepal – Delhi India

19th July - Delhi India – Hong Kong

31st October – Singapore – London Heathrow

So far there is no set plan apart from 2.5 weeks in Nepal then meeting Dan and Steph in Hong Kong, after that we are just going to float along enjoying the different tastes and cultures Asia has to offer!

We have been keeping ourselves busy with trips to London, walks out (testing out the new boots!), eating great dinners and great conversation with Ma, Pa and our friends, watching loads of new films from love film (I recommend “Sunshine Cleaning”!) and planning our trip. I’m getting too excited reading all of the guide books, looking up hostels and trips for us to go on. Luckily we have a nice few weekends planned too- both Chris and I have 4 days off (thanks bank holiday!), were off to a family wedding this Saturday; next week the wonderful Alice and Elliot are coming to stay and then two weeks after that the amazing Sara is coming for a cheeky visit too.

Things are looking good! Here’s a nice picture of us all in the sunshine.

Keep well! Love to you all E. x x x

Saturday 3 April 2010

Rubbldibub - 87 days to go.

Why Hello!

Well I have decided to be all modern and pro active in setting up my very own blog. I don't know how it will turn out, who will read it, how interesting it will be or if it will make any sense but I am doing one all the same.

As most of my dear friends and family know, Christoph and I are off on a small 4 month asian adventure at the end of June (!) This is pretty much the reason for the blog, so I can keep everyone updated, however I will also add entries on our build up to the trip, how we are getting prepared, nice things like recipes and all that jazz.

We've had a busy two weeks, we had the wonderful Daniel and Steph to visit who came on the 20th of March and stayed til' we drove them back to St Annes on the 28th. The week consisted of amazing chats, great food and even better margarita cocktails (Steph and I have become quite the experts). My birthday was on the 26th and I was totally spoilt by everyone, Steph, Alice and I were kitchen geniuses and provided a good spread for all, whilst indulging in a few tequila sunrises! My mum also made the most delicious cake - almond with amaretto went down a treat.

The next week we spent in St Annes, Daniel and Steph are starting their adventure before us so we went up with them so they could say their goodbyes (actually its not goodbye its "see you later") We had a great week with the lovely crew, Stephs family are awesome especially her Gran who is a master of the Wii! It was great to catch up with old friends and make some new ones- Dave is a legend! After drinks, dinners, breakfasts, a quick drive to the airport and some teary "see you laters", we parted from Dan and Steph as they left for their new home...the rest of the world!

Next stop was Chris's mums to be spoilt even more! We always get so many treats at Ute's and this time was no exception. I met his german Oma (Gran) and his Tanta Barbra (Auntie) for the first time, who were lovely. I picked up a few german phrases..."Hallo", "Tschuss (Bye)", "Danke (Thanks)", "Bitte (Please)" and my favourite "Rubbldibub (apparently there isn't an English translation for this one...)" - These came in super handy!

Now we're back safe in Brighton, we have been busy getting our room back in order, and creating a travel corner! Going to a family lunch tomorrow, backpack shopping on Monday and back to work unfortunately...boohoo, but got to think of le savings!

Got some 'True Blood' to catch up on, so I'll write soon.

Tschuss, E. x x x