Thursday 1 July 2010


Greetings from Nepal!! It is amazing here- we are in love already!

Just a little update to let you all know how we are doing! Firstly what an amazing last few weeks we have had in England. Seeing all our friends and family has been so great and we have been totally spoilt by everyone! Thank you to you all for making it AWESOME!

SO the flight from Heathrow to Delhi was pretty good! Had two curry's on board the plane (one for dinner one for breakfast (!?!?) ) Was pretty relaxed and managed to get some zzz's! Once we got to Delhi we had to wait for 6 hours till our next flight to Nepal. We came out of the arrivals area to go to the departures lounge and automatically the heat just took over! It really was like walking into a huge oven. After waiting in the nice air conditioned lounge we boarded our next flight. It was only an hour and a half and we were given another curry on board....this three curry's in 24 hours beats the 2 fish and chips in one day (thanks Ellie Higgins ;-) )

We got off the plane, bought our visas, collected our bags and then had a MASSIVE shock! Walking to the taxi area where our driver was meeting us, looking out for a Mosley sign I spot someone very familiar holding the sign with my name on it.....DAN AND STEPH! The cheeky buggers had kept it a suprise that they were going to Nepal the whole time and meeting us there. After shouting for Chris's attention (who had the best shocked face i've ever seen) we ran as fast as we could (suprisinigly fast considering our huge backpacks!) and gave them the biggest hugs ever! Along with Dan and Steph was their Nepali friend Binay..he welcomed us with huge flower necklaces and is one of the nicest people I have ever met!

We met our driver who was taking us back to the hostel we are staying in and it was probably the most interesting car journey of my life. Everyone drives like nutters in Nepal and people (and cows and dogs etc) just walk into the road, there are constantly horns tooting and complete chaos. It is so much fun though- as there is so much traffic and people no one drives fast so its pretty safe! The journey was amazing- I can't describe how colourful it is here, there really is so much to take in. Kids try and sell you stuff through the car windows and it really is complete hussle and bussle. The whole place smells of incense and there is so much to see and take in.

Our hostel is in the middle of Themal in Kathmandu. Once at our hostel we dropped everything off in the room and went outside for a beer! The weather is gorgeous - really hot, it is monsoon season but so far it has only rained at night...I'm slowly working on a tan! We went out for some dinner to a nice place called New Orleans where we feasted on veggie burgers and coke. Yum yum.

Today we have been up since 7.30. The amazing Binay came to meet us at 8.30 to show us round a bit of Nepal. In total we walked about 6 miles (and a million steps!) and visited this amazing place called 'The Monkey Temple". It was up the steepest set of stairs I have ever seen and I don't think I have ever sweated as much in my life but it was totally worth it! There are monkeys all the way up and when you reach the top you can see over the whole of Kathmandu. There are beautiful statues and prayer flags and it is just an incredible experience. I will put photos on facebook soon! After our hefty walk we went to Binays favorite place for some traditional Nepali food called 'Small star'. We ate thupka and momo's which are YUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMYYYY. Thupka is a spicy noodle based soup with egg on top which costs 35rs for a HUGE bowl (35rs is about 30p!) and momos are these amazing steamed dumplings which are also 30p for about 10! For five of us to eat with two drinks it came to under a fiver....thats a Max Mosley bargain there!

So that is pretty much us up to date now! I apologise for my spelling and grammer! I hope you are all well and I am missing you all loads but having the BEST time. I LOVE NEPAL!!


1 comment:

  1. Hey luv glad your flights were good :-) Two curries in one day? And for breakfast - YES! momos are the best snack food EVER haha I'm so jealous! Just had a browse through your facebook pics, Nepal must be so siiiiiiiiiick... and I was well puzzled when I saw Dan and Steph in the photos, scratchin my head like "I thought they weren't doing nepal anymore?" haha looks like you're having an amazing time! Happy trails and big luv xx
